Monday 19th Nov.
TY Dominic and David trip to Gartan OEC
1st yr Christmas examinations continue
Tuesday 20th Nov
U18 Rugby V St Columb’s Derry 11.45
1st yr Christmas examinations continue
Wed. 21st Nov.
TY Declan and Dallan trip to Gartan OEC
1st yr Christmas examinations for TG students only (9-10a.m.) Class as usual for all others
Library Workshop (Science) 5th yrs 2.00-3.10
TY Dominic and David to RCC for Documentary
HSE TDAP Vaccination for 1st yrs
Thursday 22nd Nov.
U15 Soccer V Loreto Milford TTBA
U16 Soccer V Deele College TTBA
3rd Year Parent/Teacher Day 4.15p.m. - 6.45p.m. |
Friday 23rd Nov.
Senior Gaelic V St Pat’s Cavan
U16 Soccer V Falcarragh 10.20