Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Upcoming Events

Staff Meeting on Tuesday  28th September  from
9.10 a.m.– 11.00 a.m.
1st Year Mass: postponed until Tuesday 5th October

Dear Parents/ Guardians,

A short staff meeting will take place on Tuesday next the 28th September.  Students who live locally are requested to stay at home until 11.00a.m. However, if a student comes to school by bus they are requested to come to school and study in the study hall.  The Breakfast club will be open for all students serving Tea/coffee/toast.
1st year parents/guardians please note that the 1st year Mass is postponed until the evening of Tuesday 5th October

Mr. Chris Darby

Parents Association St. Eunan’s College AGM
The AGM of the Parents’ Association will take place in Room 35 on Tuesday 28th September @ 8.00pm. The association does great work in supporting the students and the school.
All parents are encouraged to attend.
The election of  parent representatives to the new Board of Management will take place at the meeting. Those nominated are asked to be present on the night.
Tea/Coffee will be served after the meeting.

1st Year Parents – Information Evening. Study Skills, Journal and Pastoral Care.
All 1st year parents/guardians are invited to a brief meeting in Room 35 before the AGM on Tuesday 28th September  @ 7.30 pm
Mr. J. Gallagher and Ms. Y. Doherty from our Careers Dept. will give a presentation of study skills, how to make the most of the school Journal and pastoral care in 1st year. Fr. R. Brady  our Chaplain will also be at the meeting. Parents are encouraged to attend and to wait on for the Parents Association AGM @ 8.00 pm immediately afterwards. There will a cup of tea/coffee and a chat after the AGM. In particular we would like to encourage new parent/guardians to attend.
Monday 4th October: Staff In-Service. No classes
Mid-term break: Monday 25th October.
Monday 1st November: Staff Meeting. School reopens Tuesday 2nd November